Delicious recipes for everybody! Individualised recipes Right For Your Type:
- | 1 USA russet Burbank Potato (about 150g) | | - | 15g (1 tbsp) to 25g (1 ½ tbsp) light sour cream | - | 25g grated cheddar cheese | - | 20g mixed frozen peas, microwaved for 1 minute till softened | - | 15g turkey ham, cut into cubes |
2. | Bake the potato for about 15 to 20 minutes, till cooked and soft.
Remove, cut off the top 1/8 and scoop out the flesh inside, leaving a layer of potatoes about ¼ cm all around to make sure that the potato is still intact. Scoop out the potato flesh from the top part as well. | | | | 3. | Mash the potato flesh and add the sour cream, turkey ham, peas and ¾ of the cheese. Mix well and stuff back into the potato – top with the remaining cheese – bake in an oven toaster for 3 to 4 minutes till the top is golden brown and crusty. Serve with some fresh salad like lettuce, for a really good breakfast that can take you through the whole day! |