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Chris Ting, 41, Blood Type A, MALAYSIA |
My health condition before following blood type diet and supplements... Bloating, flatulence, indigestion, migraine. The most exciting changes that I had experienced from the blood type diet and supplements... Bloating and flatulence problems reduce! And I got rid of my bloating, indigestion and flatulence within half a year. My health indeed take a boost after i went on Defllect diligently with Polyflora. My migraine problem also has a significant reduction. The blood type supplements that I have been taking… Mostly Deflect, PolyFlora and ClearCal Some tips that I would like to share … I have tried various other supplements esp. all kinds of calcium and those added with magnesium etc. but i did not feel well after consuming them and end up feeding the tablet to my plants. I was very elated that My Blood Type Store offers the supplements right for my type, I no longer believe in those sales talk or friends’ recommendation. My husband has follow the BTD and limited the intake of meat (he is also Type A), and this has greatly help him in reducing his weight. |
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Bernard Loy, 52, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
In August 2005, I was weighing a hefty 88 kg. I was struggling to lose weight because of my high blood pressure and high Cholesterol level. I was feeling fatigue and depressed. I have tried many methods to lose weight, but of no avail. I bought a book titled “Fatigue, Fight It Out With the Blood Type Diet, by Dr Peter J. Dadamo. To my surprise, the food which I consumed daily turned out to be in the AVOID lists. So I decided to give a try. I followed very closely, especially to the type of food to eat recommended by Dr Dadamo. In February 2006, I realized that I have lost 8kg. My cholesterol level fell to 207 from 247 mg/dl. (Did not take any cholesterol medicine recommended by my own doctor) My knee pain have stopped. I have discovered a new level of energy. My weight is now 77kg ( August 9) . I hope to achieve my optimum weight of 75 kg by end September which will bring my BMI to 24.5, to a healthy level. I have started to take the basic health supplement specially formulated to your Blood group, which is distributed by Healthy Harvest Pte Ltd.Remember, You are what You Eat. So please take charge of your own health today. |
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Christina Ong, 16, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
My menstruation stopped coming in 2002 when I was 14 years old. In 2003, my mother took me to a medical check-up. A scan showed that I have ovary polycystic syndrome and since no medication was given to me, we thought it was just a temporary problem. In 2004, my weight increased at an alarming rate of 2kg per week. Within a mere three months, my weight reached 60kg. My mother was so worried that she took me for a blood and urine test. It was found that my thyroid activity is very low and my uric acid level is very high. The doctor prescribed some hormone pills, but my weight increased again and my mother asked me to stop the medication. The doctor prescribed another brand of hormone pills, but my mother was concerned that they may cause side effects if taken over a long period of time so I discontinued the medication after four months. In February 2005, my mother discovered the Blood Type Diet and put me on the programme. This was supplemented with supplements such as Deflect, PolyFlora, Bromelain, Quercetin, Aromastat and Taraxicum Officianale. My mother also replaced some of my meals with the Protein Blend formula and Harmonia, a nutritious drink. She hoped that I will gradually reduce medication while I am on the Blood Type Diet, but I discontinued the medication on my own within a week. My menstruation came after only a month on the programme, and it has been regular since. My weight is under control and is no longer increasing. I am now working towards to reducing my weight. |
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Susan Sng, 39, Blood Type A, SINGAPORE |
I read about the Blood Type Diet in The Straits Times health supplement Mind Your Body some time in March 2005. At that time I have a cyst in my ovary, a condition called endometriosis. After reading Dr Peter D'Adamo's Eat Right 4 Your Type, I began the diet and starting supplementing this with Aromastat, one capsule a day. The supplement is formulated to enhance healthy testosterone and estrogen levels in the body. After taking Aromastat for a while, I found my menstruation cycle improving. The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms have also decreased - menstruating is not as painful as before and I feel less and less bloated each time. I also feel lighter and healthier. But there's something else that surprised me. I have recently gone for a medical check-up at the Singapore General Hospital and found that my cyst has reduced in diameter - from 3cm to 2.2cm! I have been on the diet and supplementation regime even more faithfully ever since and looking forward to more health benefits! |
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PK Ong, 44, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
My wife stumbled upon Dr Peter D'Adamo's book, Eat Right 4 Your Type in early 2003. In 2004, she found that a friend has been successfully practicing what has been written in the book. In early 2005, I have developed an allergy to a whole range of food including beef, chicken, corn, spinach, chilli, pepper and even cooking oil. I was overweight by 20kg although I was only taking two very small meals a day. I was also plagued with lethargy, experienced outbreaks on my neck and hairline and frequently experienced a sore throat. My doctor said it's best that I avoid these foods but since my job involves entertaining clients, I could only avoid these food up to 30 to 40percent of the time. My wife then suggested that I take some Blood Type supplements such as Deflect, Polyflora, Quercetin Plus and Bromelain, Polyvite and Clearcal. I lost 8kg and have more regular bowel movements due to an improved digestive system. My appetite has also increased - even with three meals a day, I am still losing weight. I no longer feel bloated or constipated and within a month, friends and colleagues begin to notice that my trousers are getting too big for me! |
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Joselyn Loh, 40, Blood Type B, SINGAPORE |
I have been suffering from Rhinitis Allergy since childhood. When I was young, my mother put me on various medications, including Chinese herbs and treatments. She also put me on a diet that is free from shell seafood, suspected to be the cause of my allergy. However, I continue to suffer throughout my adult life. When I was living in New York for five years, my condition was much better due to the drier climate. When I moved back to Singapore twelve years ago, I suffered from a relapse. The nature of my job requires me to travel frequently and with the accompanying stress, I experience a blocked nose very frequently. A general practitioner found out that besides my allergy, the polyp in both sides of my nose was inflamed and enlarged and was advised to remove them. After surgery, my condition improved momentarily. However, I was told that it only helped to ease the blocked passageway of the nose caused by the enlarged polyp. I continued to suffer from the condition and at times it would be so bad that I could lose my sense of smell for a period of time. I was introduced to the Blood Type Diet in 2004 and has since been on Blood Type supplements such as Clearcal, Polyflora,Deflect, Quercetin and Proberry3 for my daughter. I was only recently introduced to Urtica Dioica in mid 2005. Upon taking Urtica for just two days, my nose cleared and I could smell again! I have continued taking the supplement which works just as well for rash. |
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Christine Loo, 47, Blood Type B, SINGAPORE |
I first heard abut the Blood Type Diet about three years ago from friends who were advocating it mainly for health reasons. It was only about a year ago that I started looking into the Blood Type Diet seriously as I have some chronic allergy problems. In April 2005, I started going on the Blood Type supplements and have become more discerning in what makes up my daily meals. I have also started exercising regularly - such as going to the gym and long walks and adopted good habits such as drinking plenty of water and sleeping well. I have also supplemented this with Deflect, Polyflora, Bromelain, Quercetin Plus, Urtica Dioica and Protein Blend. While on the Blood Type Diet I fasted to detoxify my body of possible allergy triggers. At first I lost weight, but it was easy to put it all back again. It was only in the most recent months that it became easier to keep off what weight I lost. Up to date I have lost about 10kg. I believe there's no miracle diet or lifestyle for good health. It definitely takes time and effort to take optimal care of my health but it is definitely worth it, especially in the long run. Dr Peter J D'Adamo's book Live Right 4 Your Type give step by step recommendations on managing mental and emotional health, too. My friends have commented that I look much better - younger and fitter - and they were more than eager to try the Blood Type Diet themselves! |
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Giselle Gianella Gabe, 33, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
As a Japanese Chotai Shiatsu practitioner and trainer, I have incorporated the blood type diet into my practice to assist my clients with their recovery and healing process. I have been on the Blood Type Diet since 2002. Prior to the diet, I used to struggle with my weight. I also used to be mildly constipated inspite of drinking plenty of water, eating raw vegetables and exercising. In the first year I lost about 7kg and my bowels started improving. In the second year, I lost another 3kg. With this weight loss, my energy level has reached a new high, my stamina has improved and my weight has stabilized. Even my skin looks better now - my large pores are now more refined! When advising my clients, I often recommend breaking large lifestyle changes into smaller easy to follow bits and parts. Focus on the outcome and the process will come naturally to you - you'll get there before you realize it! |
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Patricia Goh, 31, Blood Type A, SINGAPORE |
I found out about the Blood Type Diet when surfing the web in mid April 2004 and was intrigued that our blood type has an influence on the way that food is digested and absorbed by the body. I have a good friend who is an O type who has problems keeping her weight down as she loves carbohydrate-rich food such as spaghetti. I was also curious why I don't put on weight as easily as she does, even though I eat just as much starchy food. Since adopting the Blood Type Diet for one year and taking blood type supplements, I have not been falling sick. I don't remember even feeling sick even though my colleagues around me are coughing or sneezing away. On occasions when I feel particularly stressed and tired from work, I make sure that I eat foods that are beneficial to my blood type and take a supplement called Deflect so as not to compromise my immune system. Since young, I can't take multi-vitamins as I will develop a slight fever soon after taking them, but with the multivitamin that Dr D'Adamo has designed for my blood type, I have no such problem. |
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Neo Ling Ling, 34, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
I was having digestive problems like lots of wind in my stomach and bloatedness after meals. I'd been sensitive to wheat and have been infected with candidas for years. Since September 2005, I started having back pain and in October 2005, the pain worsened to the extent that I couldn't bend down from my office chair to pick something up from the floor. I couldn't even bend a little when brushing my teeth - especially because one spot at the spine, around my armpit area, was painful. My shoulders were also very stiff. I first went to a chiropractor who sent me for X-rays, which showed that my spine was very slightly out of shape. I started a twice-weekly therapy with a chiropractor and those relieved me of the pain and stiffness. But the pain kept returning two days after each half hour therapy session. I also started going for massages with a Chinese sinseh once a week, but found only temporary relief. So in December 2005, I went for a 'live blood analysis' at the Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Centre, which showed that my blood is more on the acidic side and that its cells were clumped together, plus there was a slight candidas presence. The researcher who did the analysis happened to come across a pharmacy that carries the blood type products and recommended that I try the protein blend Right 4 Your Type O. After taking the Right 4 Your Type protein blend and some of the other Right 4 Your Type blood type products like Deflect O, PolyFLORA O and Fucus, as well as following the Blood Type Diet to the best of my knowledge - such as eating flaxseed - after only two weeks, my back pain miraculously disappeared with no medication from any doctor. One month later, I noticed that my dandruff problem had also lessened. Till today, the back pain had never recurred and I'm still taking the above. I think all this could be attributed to my love for potatoes - I was eating lots of them during that period of pain. The Blood Type Diet is easy to follow as I was already avoiding wheat products when I started (I was diagnosed to be allergic to wheat by Dr Sundardas DA a few years back) and I already knew where to buy wheat-free bread, for example.
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Natalie Chong, 42, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
You may say that it's interesting that our whole family has got all the four types of blood. My husband Xavier is Type AB, my son Ryan is Type B, Chelsia is Type A and I am a Type O.
For me, I try to avoid eating wheat, as it gives me terrible bloating and also makes me burp all the time. I used to suffer from these day in and day out. But now, I don't anymore. I did not even see a doctor; the problems went away with these supplements so now, even my family has joined me in taking them.
It is almost impossible to feed everyone in my family only blood type-specific foods. Therefore, the supplements that we take certainly help keep everyone's insides in good working order. Xavier and I take the Right 4 Your Type Deflect, PolyFLORA and ClearCal supplement regularly. While I also take the Bromelain and Fucus O, he takes the UDA Plus and flaxseed oil.
For our children, I give them Deflect, PolyFLORA, ClearCal, PolyVITE and flaxseed oil. They hardly fall sick and they don't often get stomachaches like other kids. I believe especially that PolyFLORA has helped keep their tummies healthy.
Recently, we celebrated my son and my birthdays. We celebrated with cakes and ate a lot of food. Normally we don't do this but when we do, I find that the supplements really help to keep discomfort that comes with eating the wrong foods for our blood types at bay. My family and I are really happy with these products - I highly recommend anyone to try it. |
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Judy Lim, 40, Blood Type B, SINGAPORE |
Being plump runs in my family but a year after the birth of my third child, I was at my heaviest. Tipping the scales at 68kg, I started on all sorts of diets including the Atkins and Cambridge diets. That was in 1996 but none of them kept the weight off and in June 2003, though my weight had decreased to 62kg, I was feeling lethargic all the time. This was when I made the decision to make a lifestyle change.
A research on the Internet introduced me to the Blood Type Diet. I was attracted by the fact that not only does it help people to lose weight, it is also supposed to increase a person's general well-being and their energy levels.
So I started eating the recommended food items like fruit and vegetables, and also salmon, cod, lamb and mutton. I also decreased my intake of oily items, choosing steamed food over deep fried ones and using little or no oil with my stir-fried vegetables. By September 2004, my weight had gone down to 58kg. To speed up my weight loss, I started going to the gym thrice a week.
The changes that I had made in my life brought amazing results. My dress size dropped from an XL to an S. Friends keep complimenting me on how radiant I looked. Their compliments have boosted my self confidence. I have now reached my target weight of 52kg and I fully intend to maintain it. |
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Razib Yusuf, 38, Blood Type A, SINGAPORE |
I came to know about the Blood type Diet about a few years ago maybe 2003 when I bought the book written by Dr Peter D'Adamo. I bought the book as I found his research interesting equating different blood type with different diets and supplements. It was also interesting as I realised that most food that don't agree with me are in the Avoid list that Dr D'Adamo had drawn up. It wasn't easy trying to following the diet, even now, as our Asian diet is spicy and that we use a lot of chillies , which is not suitable for Type A like myself.Meat is also not suitable and this is extremely hard for me. However, I realised that by withdrawing dairy foods and meat, my digestion improved. I used to have indigestion after a heavy meal and bloating and these had been significantly reduced. Eliminating spicy chillies also spared me the occasional diarrhoea that I used to have. My food choice now would be to incorporate more vegetables in my meal. I still eat meat although sparingly. I also drink more greens in the form of wheat grass and barley green. My hair and skin used to be dry but now its much better. I am taking Polyflora, Polyvites, Protein Blend and Harmonia at the moment.After 3 months, my body feels lighter and more energetic. |
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Zainon Shamsuddin, 44, Blood Type A, SINGAPORE |
My mum, my sister, my brother and my immediate family members have been taking the proberry caps for the last 3 years. My mum took it everyday and it helps her to be on the move. As for the rest of us we take it on those days that we are about to fall ill. The minute we feel that our body is not in its top form, we will take the proberry caps together with Quercertin. It works wonderfully well for our body. 90 % of the time we did not fall sick. Even on those days when we are sick, as soon as we consume both the proberry caps and the quercetin, we recovered very quickly. Our visits to the doctor and consumption of medication has reduced tremendously. We feel blessed and are very happy.
Thank You Dr Dadamo and everyone else that is involved in making it possible for my family to consume it. |
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Rose Begum, 37, Blood Type AB, SINGAPORE |
My two kids are blood type B, always very susceptible to viral infection , cough and allergies that my frequent visits to family doctor said are due to environmental factors. After reading the book on Eat Right For your Type, realised the reasons behind causing them these reactions . After giving Proberry3 to them for 1 month, their cough has stopped, my son's rashes on the side of his eyes has gone away and since then both them have no more rashes. |
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Betty Vong, 37, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
Have been on the diet since 2001. Cleared up sinus problem in the morning and pain in my knees. And best of all, lost 11 kg in 6 months and kept it off while on PT programme! I am now a personal trainer since 2002. |
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Jeremy Lim, 22, Blood Type A, SINGAPORE |
I knew I had to get serious about my health and weight and after several weeks on the blood type diet I have experienced a huge improvement in my health and have lost 5kgs |
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Melinda, 36, Blood Type O, SINGAPORE |
"I have consumed bread everyday and noodle and pasta are one of my favourite food. After I started on the blood type diet for 1 month, I lost 3 kilos by cutting down on wheat products and increase my intake of proteins . Though I did not have 100% compliance, I am happy with the result so far by following 60% ."
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Shirley Wong, 46, Blood Type AB, SINGAPORE |
I chanced upon Dr Adamo’s books some two years ago. As I was already interested in heath after reading different body shapes diet, his theory did not come as a surprise to me.
But what amazed me was that I have been suffering from migraine for years which has graduated from one side pain on the head to several parts at one go. The last attack before I try the diet almost had been becoming faint. I am of AB blood. I eliminated chicken and corn (both red flags) from my diet. I took a lot of these all my life because I really love them. I did it phase by phase just to test how true the theory would be. From very serious attacks of migraine to none was what I experienced. Every time I consume chicken again, I will get a mild attack of migraine and if I take it for a few days, I get full blown migraine that last for a week.
It is already two years and I have already done enough testing to be convinced. My girl friend (also AB blood) gets lots of phlegm when she takes chicken, corn and oranges. She eliminated them and the condition improved.
It seemed that not everyone suffers from the same symptom even of same blood type. But definitely there are truths in Dr D’Adamo’s theory. |
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May Koh, 38, Blood Type A, SINGAPORE |
I suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, but since embracing the blood type A diet my life has changed dramatically |
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