
News Date: 1 Dec 2010 |
The holiday season is upon us and we feel the need to be close to family, but gathering with people increases the chance of spreading or catching the coronavirus. Precautions should be taken for family members and friends who may be vulnerable. The pandemic is now part of our everyday life, meaning that normal things like knocking on a bunch of strangers’ doors to get candy or simply gathering in a big group may not be possible. (At best, these traditions aren’t encouraged.) If you’re still feeling the holiday spirit, you can make this time of year just as special even while safely distanced. |
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News Date: 1 Nov 2010 |
As we head into the holidays and the end of the year, our stress levels increase and our ability to manage our diets gets compromised with eating out, holiday treats, and all the family foods associated with the holidays. It’s very likely that you’ve strayed into avoid territory on more than one occasion, and it’s a good time to revive your body with a cleansing blood type diet detox program this fall. For a generally healthy person, Dr. D’Adamo suggests a one week program of whole, organic foods and supplements but does not recommend fasting. He believes that, “Fasting is one way to detox your body, but probably not the best way. I would only suggest fasting if you are under the guidance of a physician.” Start by choosing only those foods that are considered beneficial and highly beneficial for your type. If you need some menu guidance, refer back to your Eat Right For Your Type Book. . By eating beneficial foods and taking supplements that are compatible with your blood type will be cleansing and detoxifying your body and allowing all the body’s systems to function at their very best. |
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News Date: 1 Sep 2010 |
Skin is an organ, just like your heart, liver or brain, but it’s the largest one of them all. The average adult has over 20 square feet of skin accounting for approximately 15% of their overall body weight. Across this vast surface are over 300 million cells and a bevy of incredible neural receptors that account for temperature, pain, touch and so much more. Though skin is a vital part of our body and literally the most superficial sign of our health, it rarely gets the attention it deserves. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM (MY TYPE STORE) |
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News Date: 1 Jun 2010 |
When it comes to bones, probiotics may help in other ways too. Researchers have found that preboitic and probiotic supplements help to increase a beneficial fatty acid in the gut known as butyrate. Butyrate has proven benefits for our overall health and well-being. It provides crucial fuel for the cells of the gut lining and protects against certain diseases. But another benefit is that it also triggers a reduction in bone loss and helps begin the formation of new bone. So increased butyrate leads to healthier bones. In addition to prebiotics and probiotics, supplementing with Butyrate directly stimulates bone growth. |
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News Date: 1 May 2010 |
Over the course of her lifetime, a woman’s nutritional needs will change several times. From infancy to adolescence, from motherhood to menopause, change is constant. Good nutritional care is the key to navigating each transformation. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK (MY TYPE STORE) |
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News Date: 1 May 2010 |
A healthy gut is one of the foundations to strong overall health and longevity. Though people are finally beginning to understand this fact, most are still unaware of how to attain it. This is mostly because having a healthy gut is all about treating it holistically. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM MY TYPE STORE |
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News Date: 1 Apr 2010 |
In the simplest of terms, a lectin is a type of protein that acts as a selective Velcro-like material. They come in two main forms, single and double-sided. The single sided lectins only stick to other things. Cells in the liver have this type of lectin on their surfaces to snatch up harmful bacteria and parasites that may be present. Two sided lectins stick two other cells together, like a piece of double-sided tape between objects. Both varieties, despite their differences, have many commonalities. Although both the single and double sided kinds both cause agglutination (the clumping of particles), they do so in specific, individualised ways. Each lectin has a certain type of material it is meant to bind to and this changes depending on what species the reaction is occurring inside as well as the blood type of the person or animal involved. The source of the lectin itself also has a great bearing on how it will react. For example, the lectin found in wheat is different from the one found in soy, both in its appearance and how it interacts with different sugars. Understanding the source of the lectin and the chemistry of the person consuming it is at the center of eating right for your blood type. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK MY TYPE STORE |
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News Date: 1 Mar 2010 |
Antioxidants came to public attention in the 1990s, when scientists began to understand that free radical damage was involved in the early stages of artery-clogging atherosclerosis and may contribute to cancer, vision loss, and a host of other chronic conditions. Some studies showed that people with low intakes of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables were at greater risk for developing these chronic conditions than were people who ate plenty of these fruits and vegetables. Clinical trials began testing the impact of single substances, especially beta-carotene and vitamin E, as weapons against heart disease, cancer, and the like. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM (MY TYPE STORE) |
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News Date: 1 Mar 2010 |
Can I Do The Blood Type Diet and the Ketogenic Diet Together? If you’ve been wondering whether you can combine The Blood Type Diet with the Ketogenic Diet (also known as the Keto Diet), you’re not alone In fact, it’s one of our most frequently asked questions. Both popular diets offer well-documented health benefits, so it’s certainly a natural question to ask. The answer is yes, it is possible to incorporate both diets together, but it will be easier for some blood types than others. That’s the short answer. For a more complete answer, let’s look at both diets a little closer.
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News Date: 1 Mar 2010 |
Each parent contributes one of their two blood-type alleles to create a pair of alleles that will establish your blood type. If both your mother and father contributed a Blood Type A allele, you would also be a Blood Type A. Likewise, if they both contributed a Blood Type B allele, you would be Blood Type B, and if both contributed Blood Type Os, you would be Blood Type O. If one contributed a Blood Type A allele and one contributed a Blood Type B allele, however, you would be a Blood Type AB. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK (MY TYPE STORE) |
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News Date: 1 Mar 2010 |
We can all agree, these are stressful times. And when we are stressed, our immune system’s ability to protect us is significantly reduced. We become more susceptible to infection and disease. With so much going on, it might feel like the very worst time to focus on self-care routines. But it’s actually the exact right time. It’s easy to say, “try to relax.” It’s much harder to put into practice. That’s why we’re offering 6 actionable tips to help you manage stress in these challenging times. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM (MY TYPE STORE)
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News Date: 9 Feb 2010 |
Your blood type can influence your cardiovascular system in many ways. There's a strong correlation between blood type and the ability to metabolize fats and oils. Blood type affects the thickness of the blood and reactivity of blood vessel walls. It also affects the body's chemical response to stress. Since stress is an important factor for heart disease, these blood type-specific variations can be a key factor in cardiac health. There are also risk factors, such as smoking cigarettes, that have nothing to do with your blood type. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM (MY TYPE STORE) |
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News Date: 1 Feb 2010 |
How to do Heart Meditation Over the years this nighttime process has taken on the form of a nightly meditation. Once I settle in to bed, and close my eyes, I take three deep cleansing breaths, each one relaxing me a little bit more. Beginning at my feet, I work my way up my body…relax my feet, feel them melt into the bed, relax my ankles and calves, release any tension, I am holding in these areas and let it melt away. I continue alkindness to those in need, and I relax deeper into the light.l the way up my body, and when I am finished, I focus on my heart, breathing in and out, aware of the heartbeat, aware of the blood flowing throughout my body. I surround my heart with a golden light, picturing this in my mind’s eye. The light pulses in rhythm with my heart, and with each breath, it grows bigger…bigger than my body, the bed, the room, the house, the town, the state, the country, the world, the universe. Infinite light, connecting me to the universe and the universe back to me. I give thanks for my life and those I love, I send thoughts of loving Some nights, this is a quick review; other nights, I fall asleep midway through it! And still others, it takes me a long time to reflect on the issues of the day that may be hanging on or bothering me. When this occurs, I try to isolate as best as I can what the issue is so that I can bring my attention to it in the morning and get is resolved. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK MY TYPE STORE. |
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News Date: 8 Jan 2010 |
Whether it stems from an argument, a bad day at work, or being stuck in traffic, we all know what stress feels like. Though the experience is all too familiar, do you know what is actually happening in your body during these moments of stress? The whole process is simple to break down from start to finish. 1. A stressful moment occurs. 2. The adrenals secrete cortisol as a fight or flight response. 3. Cortisol floods the body with glucose, providing large muscles with an immediate energy source. 4. Cortisol blocks insulin production in an attempt to ensure the glucose is used immediately and not stored. 5. Cortisol narrows the arteries while epinephrine (adrenaline) increases heart rate. Both of these cause the blood to pump harder and faster. 6. The stressful situation comes to an end, and the hormone levels return to normal. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM MY TYPE STORE |
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News Date: 4 Jan 2010 |
Immune cells, called IgE, are created by the body in response to specific allergens. Once created, they can last for months, immediately releasing histamine and causing symptoms whenever the offending substance is eaten or breathed in. Anti-histamines suppress allergy symptoms, because histamine is the chemical responsible for them. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK (MY TYPE STORE) |
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News Date: 1 Jan 2010 |
For people who are just starting out with the Blood Type Diet, food always seems to be the focus; and rightfully so. Changing your eating habits to cut out avoids and add beneficials is the main catalyst for positive change. But after you have regulated the foods you eat and your body has reaped the initial benefits, why not double down? You have heard it in nearly every commercial for weight loss before: diet and exercise work hand in hand. Although most of these plans mention the correlation, few actually personalize both experiences to benefit you. Your Blood Type is the key to not just the foods you eat, but also the activities that best suit your body. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM (MY TYPE STORE) |
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News Date: 1 Jan 2010 |
Do you think knowing your blood type is only important in the event of a transfusion? Think again! Research indicates that your blood type is a key genetic factor that influences many areas of health and well-being. Throughout your life, you’ve probably observed that some people tend to lose weight more easily, while for others, their weight is an ongoing battle. Or wondered why some people are plagued by chronic illness while others stay healthy and vital well into their advanced years. Very simply, the answer is in your blood type. Knowing your blood type is an important tool for understanding how your body reacts to food, your susceptibility to disease, your natural reaction to stress, and so much more. A single drop of blood contains a biochemical makeup as unique to you as your fingerprin |
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News Date: 1 Jan 2010 |
We all like to go all-out for the holidays eating cookies, cheese, casseroles and in the days (scratch that, weeks) we spend celebrating the season, our bodies are on sugar and fat overload. New Year is here give your body new beginning with this simple detox to get back to normal and make your New Year right. No starvation or weird juice required, |
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News Date: 1 Jan 2010 |

During the holidays, you’ve probably been eating and drinking too much, and it’s likely that you’ve strayed into avoid territory on more than one occasion. Now that the new year has begun, it’s a good time to revive your body with a cleansing detoxification program. |
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News Date: 1 Jan 2010 |
New Year’s Resolutions are a dime a dozen in the opening weeks of January, as people make themselves promises they are bound to break. The best resolution you can make is to commit yourself to achieving better health in 2019. While this goal may seem lofty, it is simple and easily attainable by following our personalized 6-Week Ultimate Metabolism Program. Jump start your weight loss program or conquer a diet plateau with Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s revolutionary Blood Type Diet paired with his Ultimate Metabolism Pack and exercises best for your blood type. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK (MY TYPE STORE)
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News Date: 1 Jan 2010 |
It’s that time of year when many of us set out to create healthier versions of ourselves. It’s a new year, a fresh start and the perfect time to focus on improving our health and well-being. It’s no surprise that the top three New Year’s resolutions are to eat better, lose weight and exercise more. But it’s also no surprise that by the time the snow melts, 80% of people who made resolutions have dropped them. What is it about resolutions that make them so hard to keep? Despite the best of intentions, more of us break them than keep them. It could be that we are a little overzealous when we make them. And yes, we DO have busy schedules that can get in the way. But what it really comes down to is this. Did we make a resolution that we can actually stick to? Is it right for us? FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM (MY TYPE STORE)
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News Date: 1 Jan 2010 |
We live in a world where all kinds of chemicals surround us. They come from cars and factories, they’re in our foods and shampoos, and they are in our homes and offices. All these potentially toxic substances acts as pollution to our biological body. Some of the toxins we may encounter have their own warning systems so we know not to ingest them or use them. But many of today’s toxins are odorless and colorless, so you may not have such an overt warning. In a way, what we lack in minerals, we make up in heavy metals. Some of the toxins that we encounter are potentially very harmful and can cause cancer, asthma, or allergies, and can reduce your quality of life in more subtle ways. They may cause minor irritations or fatigue or a general feeling of blueness. And all of these effects -as subtle or subconscious as they may be- can chip away at our overall health so that we’re -much prone to feeling the effects of aging.
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News Date: 1 Oct 2009 |
Dr D’Adamo’s latest book is already on your computer. Realize the promise of Personalized Nutrition with Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s new computer software program. SWAMI Xpress™ generates a completely individualized diet plan just for you. Now Dr Peter D’Adamo’s Swami Xpress™ enables you to generate an estimated 50-page personalized dietary report out of your printer after 12,600,000 individual calculations (performed on 225 individual nutrient values found for each of 800 different foods, all matched to the results of your measurements and intake facts). SWAMI Xpress™ Benefits: • SWAMI XPress™ features an easy-to-use, well-structured user interface, web-based, so you are always using the latest version of the software without the hassle of installation. • Downloadable user guide and online help with information screens make getting your information into SWAMI Xpress™ a snap. • Print out a beautiful, personalized diet plan. Plus free access to Dr. Peter D’Adamo’s unique Meal Planner and Cookbook Creator software, which will allow you to create individualized weekly meal plans, shopping lists, and a personalized cookbook containing recipes that synergize with your diet! |
News Date: 1 Oct 2009 |
Have you done your ACUGRAPH TEST ??? It’s FREE for Members ! With S$28 Membership Fee to become My Type Member and nett purchase of $200 on supplements (for 1 month accumulation of purchase) . Do you want to find out the qi or energy level in various organs? ü Do you want to know which supplements is suitable to take for your current situation? ü Wonder which organs needs attention? Etc…. Check it out here!! We have a new system to assist you! Advanced technology combined with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theory. Non-invasive Acupuncture test). By appointment only. |
News Date: 1 Sep 2009 |
Supply running low or finished but cannot find time to come to the stores ? To serve you better, we can deliver your orders :
Free delivery with minimum nett purchase of $200 on supplements. Local delivery only. Free delivery is at a min charge of $10 for birthday buy. Delivery Service is on every Tuesday & Friday. Call us during operation hours or order online for delivery ! www.mytype.sg For more info : Tel : 6396 5570
News Date: 1 Sep 2009 |
No matter what GenoType you are, stress does bad things to your body and your metabolism. Here are some stress-busting tips specific for your GenoType. 
Hunter: Great news, Hunter: Your Superfoods help encourage stress relief! Plant sterols and meat-product amino acids control stress both physically and emotionally. So stick to your GenoType Diet recommendations and sock it to stress for good! Gatherer: Controlled breathing, like that performed in hatha yoga, is a great stress buster for Gatherers. Just be sure to add a resistance component to your hatha yoga by seeking out an active class. Teacher: A walk through a park or along a beach is a great stress reliever for you. Teachers are naturally drawn to and inspired by nature. Nurture this relationship to find inner calm. Explorer: Want to bust stress, Explorer? Then break a sweat! Vigorous walking or a fun aerobics class will help you remain cool, calm, and collected — not to mention fit and toned! Warrior: Combat one of your main stress hormones, cortisol, by learning to quiet your mind in meditation. Not only will meditation help you keep off abdominal fat, but it will also help with memory by maintaining a healthy metabolism. Nomad: Your strong mind-body connection makes mental practices a great way for you to calm your mind and relieve stress. Try closing your eyes and visualizing your stress melting away, Nomad. Picture a calming place or object and use your mental capacity for visualization as a stress-relief tool. |
News Date: 1 Aug 2009 |
Are You a PROP Taster? Being able to taste (or not taste) the chemical known as propylthiouracil (PROP) can reveal a lot about your GenoType's metabolism. Learn more here. 
Hunter: Hunters have an intense reaction to PROP test strips, meaning you're a super-taster. This trait exemplifies your amazing metabolism, which makes it easy for you to remain slim when you follow the GenoType Diet. Gatherer: You're probably unable to detect PROP test strips as Gatherers are typically nontasters. This is an indication that your thyroid is underactive. Be sure to stick to your Gatherer GenoType Diet in order to decrease fluid retention and muscle weakness and give your metabolism a much-needed boost. Teacher: Your high metabolism is exemplified in your ability to taste PROP test strips. Most Teachers are at least tasters and some are super-tasters, depending on the level of thyroid activity. It's no wonder your body-fat percentage is so low. Explorer: Explorers are often PROP super-tasters, meaning that PROP test strips taste strongly foul to you. This PROP-tasting ability is indicative of your high metabolism, which keeps fat from being stored on your body. Warrior: Since Warriors have the tendency to be lean in youth and struggle with their metabolisms as they age, they have an interesting relationship with PROP test strips. You either cannot detect PROP (slow metabolism), or you are a super-taster (high metabolism). Try it out for yourself to see what your metabolic rate is up to. Nomad: Most Nomads are PROP tasters, signifying a well-functioning thyroid. Although your BMI may be higher than average, your metabolism is working properly — that extra body weight comes from large bones and muscles. |
News Date: 1 Jul 2009 |
Certain carbohydrates are healthy and nutritious for your GenoType. Learn which types you should emphasize. 
Hunter: Your Hunter sensitivities necessitate limiting your intake of gluten- and lectin-containing carbohydrates. Instead go for buckwheat, millet, quinoa, and basmati, brown, and wild rice. Gatherer: Your thrifty genes do well with low-glycemic carbohydrates. Artichoke flour, amaranth, barley, oat bran, and teff are great choices. Aim for half a cup of grains two to three times a day. Teacher: Teachers should limit their intake of carbohydrates that cause bacterial buildup. Up to five times daily, go for a half-cup serving of carbohydrates like flaxseed bread, kudzu, lentil flour, rice flour, and sorghum. Explorer: Explorers should emphasize carbohydrates like amaranth, Essene bread, fonio, millet, and quinoa, consuming them two to three times a day. In addition, a variety of rices are recommended for your diet, including basmati, brown, white, and wild. Warrior: Improve the white lines on your fingerprints by eating low-glycemic carbohydrates like barley, kudzu, lentil flour, poi, pappadam, rye, and wheat bran. Aim for two to three servings a day. Nomad: Like Hunters, you will want to limit your intake of lectin- and gluten-containing carbohydrates. Nomads do well with flaxseed bread, fonio, Job's tears, larch fiber, oat flour, and poi. A half-cup serving two to three times a day is recommended. |
News Date: 1 Jun 2009 |
Your Grocery Store Strategy Stocking your cart can be a cinch if you keep the central focus of your GenoType in mind. See which shopping strategy will work best for you. 
Hunter: You're a Hunter, and that means one thing — meat is your primary source of nutrition! Spend time at the meat counter asking for the freshest cuts, and try something new. It's the modern way to mimic your ancestors' carnivorous diets. Gatherer: You're all about the protein, Gatherer. Bring along a list of your Superfoods and start your grocery shopping at the meat, poultry, and fish counters. It's a surefire way to reprogram your thrifty genes. Teacher: You're so in tune with nature that your shopping path is a no-brainer. You're going to spend most of your time in the fresh-produce department, Teacher! This will ensure you get the phytonutrients your body needs to keep your anticancer defenses up. Explorer: Lucky you, Explorer, your GenoType finds something to benefit from in nearly every food group. So bring along a list of your GenoType Diet Superfoods and Toxins and hit the meat, poultry, fish, produce, and bakery departments. You'll find a great variety of food awaits you! Warrior: First stop, fish counter. Here's where you'll stock up on essential omega-3 fatty acids. Then head to the produce department where you'll reap the phytonutrient benefits of fresh fruits and veggies. Round things out with healthy oils and grains and your shopping trip is complete. Nomad: Your omnivorous diet means that the sky's the limit when it comes to grocery shopping for the Nomad's GenoType Diet. Just shy away from products containing lectin and gluten to keep your energy up and boost weight loss. Truly Customized Weight Loss Have diets failed you? Weight –loss strategies that work forYour family or your friends won’t necessarily work for you.Each Geno Type has unique concerns regarding weight And metabolism – which is why each Geno Type needs itsOwn diet The Geno Type Diet addresses your individualGenetic needs and works with your body to help you reach Your personal weight-loss goals. Start today! |
News Date: 1 May 2009 |
Your GenoType has a handful of weaknesses to watch out for. Read on for one specific vulnerability and how to combat it. 
Hunter: Given their amazing energy levels, Hunters need to take extra care of the organs related to mitigating stress. Sure, you can go, go, go — but properly functioning adrenal and pituitary glands require periods of rest and calm after physical exertion. So be sure to find downtime in your hectic day. Gatherer: Your metabolic thriftiness can cause you to eat for the wrong reasons, Gatherer. When you eat, your body tends to remove nutrients from the bloodstream so efficiently that you feel the need to eat again and again without satiety. But by getting the right foods for your GenoType, you are helping to combat this cycle and teaching your body to store only some — not all — of the calories you eat. Teacher: You're a detail-oriented person, Teacher. But if you don't get the proper diet, sleep, and stress relief, this attention to detail can turn into a compulsive disorder. Be sure to stick with your GenoType diet and participate in calming activities that can help quiet your mind. Explorer: If you suddenly become sensitive to a certain fat, or find your skin breaking out, it could have something to do with your liver. Explorers' livers spend a long time processing drugs, caffeine, and other toxins. By following the GenoType Diet, however, and eating only the best foods for your system, you are ensuring that your liver gets the break it needs. Warrior: Perhaps a Warrior's greatest weakness is the tendency to age quickly once middle age has been reached. Your metabolism, which worked hard all throughout youth, can abruptly stall without the right fuel. So to help your body age gracefully, be sure to eat the right foods for your GenoType. Nomad: As you age, it's important to maintain proper nitric oxide function — which can be done by eating the right foods for Nomads. With the wrong diet and lifestyle choices, you become susceptible to problems with your immune and circulatory systems as well as with your brain function. |
News Date: 1 Apr 2009 |
One golden rule that every GenoType should heed: Never go to bed stressed. Here are a few tips to set your nighttime mind at ease. 
Hunter: Creativity is a great way to ease a Hunter's tension. So put your detail-oriented mind at ease by sketching. Just grab an artist's pad and pencil and spend time in the evenings letting your inner creativity (and stress) out onto the page. Gatherer: A hot sauna is one of the best ways for Gatherers to soothe their nerves. To get the steam benefits without having to venture to the nearest health club, try a nice hot shower before bed. Let the beads of water wash away stress for a good night's rest. Teacher: To balance out your daytime stress levels, try to tap into your inner spiritual energy through a relaxing yoga or tai chi DVD. Realigning the balance will help your body settle into the nighttime lull of sleep. Explorer: An Explorer's accident-prone nature makes relaxing with a funny movie or sitcom in the evening a great, safe way to unwind. You'll laugh away worries without any unexpected "oops" moments that could add additional stress. Warrior: If you're feeling wound up in the evenings, try something that has been shown to have a soothing effect on a Warrior's stress level: meditation. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes halfway, and focus on a mental picture that calms your nerves. You'll be ready for z's in no time. Nomad: If you've got something on your mind before hitting the sack, it's best to talk it out with a friend, family member, or partner. Clear your head and you'll allow sleep to drift over you much easier. |
News Date: 1 Mar 2009 |
GenoType Science How Your Mind Works Every GenoType is physically different. And those variations are perhaps greatest illustrated in the very different ways that each GenoType's mind works. See how your brain is wired and how you can use that to your advantage. 
Hunter: Your brain is wired to notice the details. In other words, Hunter, nothing gets past you. Use that gift to notice the positive changes in your body since following the GenoType Diet and you'll be even more motivated to continue on this healthful journey. Gatherer: Your mind is a machine, Gatherer — able to concentrate on the trickiest work for prolonged periods of time. In fact, you're probably a math wiz. This extraordinary capacity will serve you well in your career, making you a happy, healthy success in life. Teacher: Your Teacher's sharp, analytical mind gives you the insight to see the big picture in life. You don't get so caught up on minute details that you miss the overall trend of where your life is going. This gives you a great advantage, since you can easily adjust your direction if you see yourself getting off track. Explorer: Your mind's focus is on changing perceptions and rethinking concepts, making you a great entrepreneur. Don't be afraid to step out with a seemingly outrageous plan or idea. Chances are your way will work perfectly! Warrior: Your mind works like a computer, Warrior — quick and nimble. Use that skill to compute exactly where you are and where you want to be. Then use your bullheadedness to get yourself there. Nomad: Your mind is rational and witty, which is why you are such a great communicator. Use this ability to lend your ear to others. Spreading your optimism can make the world a better place. The Diet Built for Your BodyIf you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to choose theFoods that work best with your body to help your reach your goals.The Geno Type Diet provides you with hundreds of delicious recipesCreated specifically for your genetic makeup.And you’ll get customized daily meal plans and aFitness program that will maximize your results! Start now! |
News Date: 1 Feb 2009 |
Hard-to-Avoid Toxins You may naturally dislike some of your GenoType Toxins. But sometimes a very common food is among your list of Toxins to be avoided. See which common food you should stay away from. 
Hunter: Perhaps the toughest Hunter Toxins to steer clear of for you might be pork, bacon, and ham — quite popular among American cuisine. But since turkey, chicken, and beef are among your Superfoods, you should be able to meet your protein quota without a problem. Gatherer: Growing up, one of your Toxins might have appeared in your diet often: peanut butter. But now that you know this common spread is a Gatherer Toxin, substitute it with a similar product like almond butter. You might even like it better! Teacher: Butter, margarine, and canola oil all make the list of Toxins that Teachers should avoid. But not to worry, olive oil is a Teacher Superfood, which can easily replace these common sautéing agents in most recipes. Explorer: Ketchup and mayo are two Toxins that Explorers should leave off their sandwiches. Instead, use spices and herbs to add kick. Cilantro, fennel, garlic, and thyme should do the trick. Warrior: It might be hard to avoid the potato for some. But since this common starch appears on a Warrior's Toxin list, avoiding it is recommended. Round out your meal with a leafy green like kale, collard greens, spinach, or Swiss chard instead. Nomad: For Nomads, cinnamon is a Toxin that should be avoided. And while the zest of fresh cinnamon does taste great in many beverages and dishes, you can safely substitute nutmeg as it's one of your Superfoods and just as pungent! |
News Date: 2 Jan 2009 |
The GenoType Life Set a Fitness Goal If incorporating exercise into your life is a tricky challenge, perhaps you need a little push. Try these physical activity goals for one week to see if they help you get moving. 
Hunter: As a Hunter, you require intense daily activity to maintain your top level of fitness and health. For your goal, dedicate about 45 minutes a day to vigorous walking. When you feel that famous Hunter energy burst kick in, step it up to a run. Just keep the pace brisk so you don't lose interest. Gatherer: A good fitness goal for a Gatherer is to alternate hatha yoga with aerobics every day for six days. Get DVDs or find classes at your health club. And take one day off for rest to avoid burnout. Teacher: Teachers can keep their metabolism in balance by participating in 40 minutes of activity at least four to five days a week. Aim to balance tai chi workouts with alternating days of resistance training this week to see how you feel — you'll probably have tons of energy for your two days off! Explorer: Alternate days of Pilates and aerobics classes for four to five days this week. Be sure you sweat out the toxins for an effective workout. This goal will keep you fit and cleansed — see for yourself! Warrior: Warm up to a fitness routine with four days of stretching and strengthening exercises this week, Warrior. Try 30 to 40 minutes of hatha yoga on two days, and light resistance training on the other two. Nomad: On three days this week, take a vigorous walk. Once you have that down, boost your efforts by carrying 2-pound weights along with you on two additional walks. If this goal seems too easy, next week boost your weight level to 3 to 5 pounds, according to your fitness level. |
News Date: 1 Nov 2008 |
Alcohol and Your GenoType A cocktail at a party or beer and wine with dinner is a habit for many. Yet alcohol is not well tolerated by certain GenoTypes. See if you can imbibe safely.

Hunter: Beer, wine, and liquor are Toxins you should avoid, Hunter. To help keep your tendency toward inflammation at bay, stick with mocktails made out of cranberry, grapefruit, or pineapple juice instead. Gatherer: Eliminating toxins is a Gatherer's M.O., and drinking beer, wine, and liquor is not the way to do it. Stay away from the hard stuff — you're much better off with a natural diuretic like lemon water. Teacher: While beer, liquor, and white wine are among those beverages on the Teacher Toxins list, red wine is an option that's neither harmful nor beneficial for you. But you may be better off getting your kicks in the form of Superfood beverages like ginseng or green tea. Explorer: A well-functioning liver is the key to keeping Explorers free of toxins. That's why you should avoid the liver-damaging properties of any alcohol. Detox with antioxidant-rich beverages like pomegranate juice and green tea instead. Warrior: Since a Warrior's GenoType Diet is Mediterranean-based, it's no wonder that red wine is one of your Superfood beverages. Enjoy a nice robust red once in a while with meals, and let those antioxidants help slow down your aging process. Nomad: Do you prefer beer or red wine? The great news is that you can take your pick, Nomad — both beverages appear on your Superfoods list! Just stay away from distilled liquor and white wine to maintain an optimal metabolic rate and avoid inflammation of the liver. |
News Date: 1 Nov 2008 |
Butter, Margarine, or Ghee Some GenoTypes can handle butter and margarine, while others should steer clear of them. Find out here whether these popular spreads are in your GenoType's diet plan. 
Hunter: Good news for butter-loving Hunters: Your GenoType can handle butter and ghee (clarified butter) to its heart content — you can indulge freely. Margarine, however, is a Toxin for you, so why not go for the real thing? Gatherer: Top your toast with ghee up to four times a week, Gatherer. If you prefer butter, go ahead and see how your body does with it. It's a neutral food that you might be able to tolerate. But if health problems arise, go back to ghee for good. Teacher: Go ahead and indulge in ghee as often as you desire, Teacher. And while butter is on your Toxins list, it's a food that you can reintroduce into your diet in small amounts after three to six months to see how your body will react. Explorer: Explorers can use ghee freely — it's a Superfood that will optimize your metabolism. To boost your health and supplement weight loss, avoid butter and margarine. Warrior: Butter and margarine are both Toxins that may interfere with your metabolism, Warrior. Instead, stick with one teaspoon of ghee on occasion to increase energy and optimize your weight. Nomad: Say yes to ghee and butter — two Nomad Superfoods that will help optimize nitric oxide production and improve your metabolism. Just steer clear of margarine so you can reap the proper benefits of these good oils. |
News Date: 7 Oct 2008 |
Sometimes a component of your GenoType Diet will be hard for you to adopt. And that's okay. Here's how to master a tricky change — in your own time. 
Hunter: Hunters are especially prone to burnout if exposed to prolonged stress. And while following a diet is bound to lead you to thinking of the "end result," try not to get too bogged down with forward thinking. If you find yourself feeling anxious about the future, bring yourself back to the present and focus on where you are today. Gatherer: Perhaps one of the toughest weight-loss challenges for the Gatherer is recognizing when you're truly hungry and when you're merely eating to feel better. By following the GenoType Diet, you'll eventually start to feel better. But in the meantime, listen to your hunger and don't beat yourself up when the occasional slipup happens. It will get easier! Teacher: If you're feeling anxious or stressed about being perfect, Teacher, don't keep pushing yourself. Give yourself a break for meditation. Then focus on eating right and exercising to find balance again. The GenoType Diet is for your own benefit, so use it to your advantage! Explorer: It may be hard for you to eliminate caffeine from your diet, especially if you're a soda or coffee lover. But know that the sooner you kick the caffeine habit, the faster you'll feel better. If it's impossible right now, cut back slowly until you can be totally free of this Explorer Toxin. Warrior: Controlling your ratio of good to bad fats might cause some anxiety for you, Warrior. If you're used to eating large amounts of the "bad fats," making the switch can be tough. But once you develop a taste for healthy fats like the right oils, fish, and grains, you'll feel better and be more motivated than ever to keep up your GenoType Diet. Nomad: One of the most common things around — bread — is a problem for many Nomads. More precisely, the gluten in the bread can irritate your intestinal lining. So while getting used to limiting bread can be tough, know that once you do, you're going to see a tremendous improvement in your health. Just take it slowly, and eventually you'll be gluten-free and feeling great! |
News Date: 31 May 2008 |
Genotype Science:Risks You Can Lessen
Just as each GenoType has amazing strengths, each one has health risks to watch out for too. Learn what health problems you're at risk for, and see how you can reduce this risk by eating the right foods for your GenoType. Hunter: You already know that without the proper diet you're at risk for inflammatory diseases like asthma and allergies, Hunter. But did you know that by following the GenoType Diet and avoiding mold-containing foods, fungi, and simple sugars, you're helping soothe your intestinal lining and thus warding off inflammatory gut problems too? Count it as one more reason to stick with your GenoType Diet. Gatherer: Gatherers are at risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, but the risk of all three can be lessened if you maintain a healthy weight with the proper diet. Your GenoType Diet goes one step further in protecting you: When you avoid high-glycemic foods, your blood glucose and insulin levels stay in a healthy range. Teacher: Teachers face a high risk for breast cancer, especially later in life. And while Teachers rarely require hormone replacement therapy, you may discover that sensitivity needs to be restored to your own hormones. By following the GenoType Diet, you are ensuring that your anticancer defenses are on high alert, which may allow you to avoid any hormone-related therapy whatsoever. Explorer: Liver problems run in your GenoType, Explorer. But you can help your body clean up toxins by getting plenty of polysaccharide nutrients, which are found in the plant foods in your diet. You'll be promoting a healthy liver and bile ducts with this important detox component. Warrior: Rich sources of lignans (or phytoestrogens) like flaxseeds, sesame seeds, and fruit can help ward off a number of potential Warrior diseases. Breast and prostate cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation are just a few. Of course, your GenoType Diet is specially designed to steer you in the right disease-fighting direction. Nomad: The intense tiredness that Nomads are up against is caused for the most part by one disorder: hypoglycemia. But by sticking with the GenoType Diet, you are helping your body keep your blood sugar levels in an optimal range, which helps you avoid spikes in blood sugar and debilitating fatigue. |
News Date: 30 Apr 2008 |
When Illness Is Looming
Letting up on dietary restrictions is acceptable once your genes have been successfully reprogrammed by following the GenoType Diet for a period of time. But when you start feeling ill, it's time to once again closely adhere to your Superfoods list while avoiding Toxins. Here's what to do when you start to feel under the weather. Hunter: A Hunter's GenoType Diet is all about getting your immune system back in harmony. You can control your body's tendency toward inflammation by sticking to clearing foods that will lessen your reactive response to allergens and lectins. Stick to your high-protein, low-lectin GenoType Diet to get back in good health. Gatherer: While your immune system is quite strong, an impending sickness could signal that you're consuming too many man-made chemicals. Detox by sticking to your high-protein, low-glycemic GenoType Diet and your Gatherer resilience will kick in right away. Teacher: When Teachers stray from their GenoType Diet, the genes that typically suppress illness-causing genes are turned off. To reactivate them, simply stick to your plant-based, low-bacteria-overgrowth GenoType Diet. Your defenses will be returned to tip-top shape. Explorer: The Explorer's key to staying healthy is to maximize foods that nourish the blood and bone marrow while helping detoxify and cleanse. Just follow your nutrient-rich GenoType Diet for an optimal immune system. Warrior: You have an above-average recovery rate when you do get sick, Warrior. But avoiding sickness altogether is a cinch when you stick to your plant-based, high-photonutrient GenoType Diet. The high concentration of lignans will protect you from disease. Nomad: By closely following the Nomad GenoType Diet, you'll regulate and produce the ideal amount of nitric oxide. NO helps many systems in your body run smoothly. And with the right low-lectin, low-gluten diet, you'll keep all your body's systems in peak condition. |
News Date: 31 Mar 2008 |
Power Up with Vegetable Proteins
Beans, nuts and seeds have been a great source of protein for humans since the beginning of the species. But just which vegetable proteins are best suited for you depends on your GenoType. Find out here. Hunter: Choose your vegetable proteins well, Hunter, and you'll be sure to get the right mix of amino acids and proteins needed for genetic improvement. Your array of vegetable protein Superfoods include: black, garbanzo and fava beans; flax, hemp and sesame seeds; and almonds, pecans and walnuts. Gatherer: Protein is the name of the game for Gatherers. And you have several excellent choices in vegetable proteins, including: almonds, butter beans, carob, pinole, lupin seeds, peas, pecans, pumpkin seeds and bakers yeast. Aim for a half cup of nuts and seeds or two tablespoons of nut butter up to seven times a week. Teacher: Since a Teacher's GenoType Diet is plant-based, it's important to get protein in non-meat forms. Up to ten times a week try to eat a half cup of nuts and seeds and two tablespoons of nut butters. A few Superfoods to emphasize are: almonds, almond butter, fava beans, carob, flaxseed, peanut butter, peas, pecans, safflower seeds and walnuts. Explorer: Some grains, nuts and seeds can interfere with an Explorer's detox function. In order to keep your detoxification genes in top shape, stick with vegetable protein Superfoods like butter beans, carob, pinole, great northern beans, green beans, lentils, macadamia nuts, peas, pinto beans and snap beans. Warrior: As a Warrior, you should enjoy at least two daily servings of vegetable proteins in order to reprogram your thrifty genes. Choose from several options, including: adzuki beans, almonds and almond butter, fava beans, flaxseeds, peanuts and peanut butter, pecans, pine nuts and walnuts. Nomad: Nomads do best with a "little bit of everything" in their diet. And vegetable proteins are no exception. Aim to eat a half cup of nuts and seeds or two tablespoons of nut butter at least five times a week. A few Superfoods to emphasize: almonds and almond butter, butternuts, flaxseed, hemp seed, macadamia nuts, navy beans, pecans, walnuts and |
News Date: 29 Feb 2008 |
Find Your Perfect Fruits 
Every GenoType should emphasize certain types of fruits to gain the most benefit from their GenoType Diet. Here's a closer look at your specific fruit suggestions. Hunter: An apple a day will not keep the doctor away for you, Hunter. Apples, along with apricots, cherries, figs, grapes, and plums, are Hunter Toxins. Instead, aim for at least one cup daily of fruits like canistel, cranberry, date, grapefruit, lingonberry, mango, passion fruit, pear, pineapple, and watermelon. Gatherer: For Gatherers, favorites like peaches, plums, and nectarines make great fruit noshes. While raspberries, elderberries, and gooseberries are among your Superfoods, other berries like blueberries and strawberries are among your Toxins — so learn to replace these common berries with those from your Superfoods list. Teacher: A Teacher's fruit recommendations range widely from typical (blueberry, grapefruit, nectarine, and raspberry) to exotic (durian, goji berry, mamey sapote, and pawpaw). And since your GenoType Diet focuses on phytonutrients, make the most of all your options! Explorer: Açai berry, breadfruit, cranberry, currants, elderberry, gooseberry, guava, lingonberry, pawpaw, Persian melon, pummelo, quince, raspberry, and rowan berry are all highlighted as Explorer Superfood fruits to emphasize. Look to the book for the complete list — it's extensive! Warrior: You can make yourself a good old traditional fruit salad with Warrior Superfood fruits like apples, cantaloupe, grapes, peaches, plums, and strawberries. Just leave out the bananas &mash; a Warrior Toxin. (They turn brown in fruit salad, anyway!) Nomad: Say yes to melons, Nomad, in the form of cantaloupe, musk melon, Persian melon, Spanish melon, and watermelon. Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are other Superfood fruits to emphasize. |
News Date: 22 Feb 2008 |
What's Your GenoType?
Through intense statistical analysis, Dr. D'Adamo identified six GenoTypes based on how genes and physical traits are known to cluster together. And by following the customized diet and exercise plan created for your GenoType — you'll be maximizing your efforts and results. The book on GenoType Diet is now released! Get a copy now!
News Date: 6 Jun 2007 |
Healthy Harvest is listed in the Singapore Book of Records 2007(Page 72) as the 1st company in Singapore to introduce and promote health products based on individual's blood type. |
News Date: 6 Nov 2006 |
The World 1st Blood Type retail outlet has finally come nearer to you in the heart of our Central Business District area in Singapore! We are located at #01-29 Golden Shoe Carpark. Stop at Raffles Place MRT and out through Exit B. This will be the 1st concept store in the world which merchandise blood type specific supplements, food, beverages as well as organic skin care products catering to each individual needs. Every product here is Right For Your Type as we believe every one is different and needs to be cared for as an individual. Call us at +65-63965570 to find out more! |
News Date: 20 Sep 2006 |
Please check out the Blood Type Diet editorials in U-Weekly every Tuesday and enjoy a 10% special discount on each Chinese book or buy 5 books and get the 6th one FREE! The editorial summaries the blood type theory and the common aliment for every blood type and its prevention. Read the editorial and understand the relationship between aliment like Diabetic and each blood type. The aliments been published includes Cardiovascular, Diabetic, Cancer, Allergy, Fatigue, Menopause |
News Date: 3 Mar 2005 |
By : Jasmine Alimin
What is the blood type diet? How does our blood type affect the food we eat? At a glance what food types/groups should each blood type consume and avoid with special mention on celebrity devotees of the blood type diet. |
News Date: 14 Feb 2005 |
By : Suzanne Jung & Richard Lui
A short interview with Dr Sundardas, clinical director of Natural Therapies Pte Ltd and avid blood type dieter Judy Lim. Dr Sundardas outlined the blood type diet and explained the genetic makeup of the different blood groups and the effects of different food types on each blood group. |
News Date: 2 Dec 2004 |
By Journalist : Shobana Kesava
A very intimate, in-depth and extensive interview with the founder of North American Pharmacal and writer of New York Best Seller Dr D’Adamo on the fundamentals of the blood type diet, and the common misgivings that the scientific ommunity and the general public have about it. |