"Have you ever wondered why some people are able to lose weight on particular diet and others are not? Why some people are plagued by poor health or deterioration due to ageing, while others seem to live healthy and vital lives even late in life? You are a biological individual”
Blood bathe our cells with nutrients and oxygen to make sure our organs work properly by getting sufficient nutrients for production of energy. Blood also carries unwanted or waste materials (metabolic by-products) out from the body to be disposed through different elimination systems in the body. Blood carries our vital immune force (white blood cells) to ward us off from dreadful infections.
Blood does other wonders for humans by keeping them alive and vibrant. This is because your blood influences every area of your physiology on a cellular level. It has everything to do with how you digest your food, your respond to stress, your mental state, the effectiveness of your metabolism and the strength of your immune system. Therefore, your blood type is unique. A single drop of your blood contains a biochemical make-up as unique to you as your fingerprint. We are all different. No two people are alike in terms of physical, emotional and the food they take.

Whenever you eat, a chemical
reaction occurs between your blood and the foods or supplements
you take. Food contains protein called lectins. Your blood
type is genetically programmed to reject or accept certain
lectins. When you eat a food containing lectins that are
incompatible with your blood type, the lectins target an
organ or bodily systems and begin to clump cells in that
area, a process known as agglutination. The process can bring
the imbalances in your digestion, metabolism and immune system.
You can greatly improve your health,
vitality and emotional balance by knowing your blood
type and by making lifestyle and diet decisions based on
the medically certified results of an ever increasing body
of genetic and blood type research. The discovery led by
Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo
will surely open your eyes to the new evolution of blood
science and its importance to human health. The blood
type concept can help you to:
- Discover the foods that leave
you feeling light and energetic, not bloated or lethargic.
- Get relief from chronic health problems.
- Avoid premature ageing, mental and
physical deterioration.
- Find an exercise program that leaves
you on cloud nine.
- Lose weight the right way
- Better understand the development of
anxiety, stress and depression in you and know how to
deal with them.
- Feel ‘right’ in
your body, your mind and your world