About 6% of Singapore
Below is a brief summary
of your unique characteristics. The book Live
Right For Your Type by Dr. Peter D’Adamo will take
you through the journey of living, for you to find out more
about your own unique fingerprint behavior:
- Emotional
- Passionate
- Friendly
- Trusting
- Empathetic
Blood Type AB is less than a thousands years old, rare (2 – 5% of the population), and biologically complex. Type AB Diet requires that you read your foods lists very carefully, and familiarize yourself with both the Type A and Type B diets to better understand the parameters of your own diet.
Meat |
poorly digested,
stored as fat, toxifies intestinal tract |
Seeds |
cause hypoglycemia |
Kidney Beans |
inhibit insulin
cause hypoglycemia,
slow metabolic rate |
Lima Beans |
inhibit insulin efficiency,
cause hypoglycemia,
slow metabolic rate |
Wheat |
decreases metabolism,
inefficient use of calories,
inhibits insulin efficiency |
Buckwheat |
causes hypoglycemia |
Corn |
inhibits insulin efficiency |
Tofu |
Seafood, Kelp |
Dairy |
Pineapple |
Vegetables |