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Blood Type Related Questions: Blood Type A
  The following section is an extract from Dr. D'Adamo's website ( Please visit his site if you wish to clarify any of the answers provided.  
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There is a link between blood type A with incident of cancer. How to prevent it at the first place?
Hopefully the use of the type A diet (with its emphasis on soy, peanut and helix pomatia snail lectins, plant anti-oxidants, green tea, polyamine-blocking foods and overall low-fat orientation) can help to prevent this type of problem from developing in the first place.

What can I do, I have Primary Biliary Cirrhosis? I am type A and am switching to the diet you recommend, What else?

1. Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a disease characterized by inflammatory destruction of the small bile ducts within the liver. PBC eventually leads to cirrhosis of the liver. The cause of PBC is unknown, but because of the presence of autoantibodies, it is generally thought to be an autoimmune disease. Other etiologies, such as infectious agents, have not been completely excluded. PBC has a worldwide prevalence of approximately 5/100,000 and an annual incidence of approximately 6/1,000,000. The prevalence and incidence appear to be similar in different regions of the world. About 90% of patients with PBC are women. Most commonly, the disease is diagnosed in patients between the ages of 40 and 60 years.

2. Most patients with PBC present with pruritus (itching). After pruritus, jaundice (yellow skin caused by bilirubin retention) is the most common presenting symptom. Several patients also present with complaints related to chronic portal hypertension (increased blood pressure in the veins that go to the liver that can lead to symptoms such as bleeding in the esophagus or fluid retention in the abdomen). Some patients are discovered to have PBC during workup of another illness. Since the widespread use of routine serum biochemical analysis, many patients present for evaluation of an elevated serum alkaline phosphatase activity that was detected on laboratory examination. Patients with PBC have abnormalities in several blood tests.

In essentially all patients, the serum alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase activities are markedly elevated (these are enzymes present in the bile ducts). Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities are usually moderately elevated (these are enzymes made by hepatocytes, the predominant liver cell type).

My suggestions : Low protein diet. This may be moot, since most people with PBC are blood group A, so what I am really saying is follow the type A diet. Fat soluable vitamins. Fat absorption becomes compromised with PBC, so adequate supplementation with vitamins A, E, K and D is important. Liver-specific antioxidants. Milk Thistle, the Ayurvedic herb Eclipta alba, Lipoic acid, can help minimize free-radical damage to the bile ducts. Vitamin C and bioflavanoids. The water soluable antioxidants can help matian the elasticity of the veins, which are often de-natured by the excessive high portal pressure due to the congestion of the liver. PBC is a progressive disease, but with good diet and rational supplementation you can control it effectively -hopefully until better allopathic treatment is available.


What is the link between heart attack and blood type?
The blood group "A" was the commonest among myocardial infarction and angina pectoris patients while these diseases were least in blood group "O" patients. There is direct relation between blood group antigens and coronary artery disease. It is therefore of great importance for future genetic studies, as present report and the studies give clear picture of excess and deficit of CAD in particular blood groups of "ABO" system. This may be due to some special genetic makeup. Numerous studies (back to the 1950's) have linked ABO type to higher levels of cholesterol and coronary artery disease. The study again demonstrates the power of defining diet by blood group. By using this system, you eat not just for today, but for tomorrow. If you are type A, you'll want to take the advice of the 'broad-band paleo-dieters' with less than a grain of salt.

I'm a Type A and I have been following your dietary guidelines with wonderful results. I've recently stopped using hormone replacement therapy & I wondered if you could make recommendations for type A menopausal women. In addition to following the dietary program, what should we do to relieve symptoms such as hot flashes & to protect ourselves from bone loss & cardiovascular problems? Are supplements like Dong Quai & Evening Oil of Primrose ok for type A's?
Dong quai and primrose oil are generally fine for type As in menopause (or headed there!). If estrogen stimulation is needed (i. e if there is a history of bone loss or dementia, etc.) I advocate types A and AB talk to their physicians about using the fraction "estriol" (2-8mgs) in preference to the other more potent fractions found in the convention ERT Premarin. Though I was blasted initially in the town I practice in (Greenwich CT) for advocating this alternative, all the GYNS now prescribe it themselves! The herb "Black Cohosh," Cimicifuga racemosa, can also help with hot flashes.

I am a type A and have lost 43 pounds very comfortably due to your diet. However, I do have a problem with osteoporosis (I am 60 years old and this was just diagnosed). I am currently taking 900 mg of calcium lactate & 450 mg magnesium (I was taking 1200 mg of calcium but had to decrease the dose because of runny bowels). So I would appreciate any suggestions you have about foods and supplements for this condition.
I would recommend that you investigate a specific mineral supplement designed to enhance bone health for type A individuals called Phytocal A or OsteoCal. The calcium for this formula is derived from the small red seaweed called "Maerl" found only in the isolated areas off the pristine coast of Northwest Ireland. Of all sources of calcium Maerl has one of the lowest levels of undesirable contaminants. Its superior buffering capacity allows Maerl-based calcium to maintain very high rates of absorption despite the lower acid and higher levels found in the digestive tracts of most type A individuals.

How does Quercetin benefit the prevention of cancer?
Apotosis is a term used to describe programmed cell death. In essence what distinguishes normal cells for cancer cells is the fact that normal cells maintain the ability to destroy themselves if a mutation is produced during reproduction, whereas cancer cells lose this function and become essentially immortal. Study indicates the quercetin may help re-induce the ability of cancer cells to resume the apotosis function. Quercetin has been investigated in a number of animal models and human cancer cell lines, and has been found to have antiproliferative effects. It may also increase the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents. More clinically-oriented research needs to be done in this area to discover effective dosage ranges and protocols.

My 30 year old, Type A+ daughter has real problems with varicose veins in the back of her legs. She is expecting her second child which makes it even worse . Her problem is that the veins, which are high up on the back of her thighs, are making it painful for her to sit for long periods of time. Is there anything she can take safely or do , now and while she nurses her newborn, to alleviate the symptoms?
One of the best treatments is the use of the herb Collinsonia canadensis (Stoneroot) which I wrote about for type A in ER4YT. Although recommended by the old Eclectic physicians, Scudder and Lloyd for "venous congestion," there is not a lot of modern research on the plant. I wrote about its amazing abilities to help excessive mucous conditions typical of type A, including sinusitis. Homeopathic physicians have traditionally used Collinsonia for pharyngitis (sore throat), hemmorhoids and varicose veins. It can be used topically in combination with topical applications of Witch Hazel (Hamamelis). Witch Hazel usually works best if applied chilled, before retiring at night. Witch Hazel's effects are principally due to the astrigent quality of the tannins contained in the plant, though it may also possess anti-inflamatory activity as well.

Varicose veins show a dramatic increase in the levels of mucopolysaccharides, which act to denature collagen, thereby destabilizing the vein. This is due to the increase in uronic acids and of lysosomal enzymes (beta-glycuronidase beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and arysulfatase). The herb Centella asiatica has also been extensively studied for varicose veins. Its effects seem to be through the inhibition of mucopolysaccharide synthesis by inhibiting these enzymes.

In one published trial, the results provided indirect confirmation of regulatory effects of Centella asiatica on metabolism in the connective tissue of the vascular wall. Another demonstrated increased collagen synthesis. Procyanidolic oligomers, typically derived from grape seed extracts, have also shown dramatic effects in healing varicose veins.

One study examining venous perfusion (blood flow) showed significant improvement when this medication were administered. Another study showed the herb Ginkgo biloba to have preventive effects effects when taken for varicose veins.


My husband (Type A) has been diagnosed with GERD, where the stomach acid erupts over the protective flap at the top of the stomach. He is a heavy tea drinker, and while fairly flexible about going on this diet, does not want to give up tea to go on coffee, which according to your chart, is highly beneficial for his type. Any comments?
With respect to your husband, GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disorder) can often be provoked by coffee, so he is wise to not incorporate a generally "A friendly beverage" into his diet. Chocolate has also been shown to provoke GERD symptoms, and I have observed clinically that black tea might has a similar effect in some people.

Although GERD is often dealt with by medicines which decrease stomach acid, acid is only part of the problem here. Many factors can result in GERD symptoms, including hiatal hernia, food choices, large meals, poor combinations of food, decreased gastrin (a hormone that stimulates stomach secretions and also is thought to help keep the lower esophageal spincter (LES) at the top of the stomach tightly closed), decreased stomach acid in rsponse to food, candida overgrowth, etc...

Since your husband is blood type A, it is likely several things within his control will reduce his symptoms.

1) Follow the appropriate blood type diet

2) Avoid coffee, chocolate and black tea (especially near big meals)

3) Eat smaller size meals!!! The stomach initiates the digestive process by a combination of digestive secretions and by muscular contractions which act to mix food with the digestive secretions.
If an individual has lower levels of digestive secretions this could result in a longer stay in the stomach for the food, more mixing, and so more possibility of reflux.

4) Pay attention to food combining!!! A meal with a piece of fish and some vegetables is easier to digest than a steak and potato.

5) Avoid sugars and sweets. (it has been my observation that these can be problematic for people with GERD.

6) Consider using a few drops (between 5-15) of Gentian (Gentiana lutea) in a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.

A study has shown that blood type A takes about 45 minutes to produce peak gastrin levels (O's take about 15 minutes). Gentian, a bitter, has been shown to increase gastrin. By taking this bitter 30 minutes before eating, your digestive secretions will be better prepared to digest your meal and your LES should function better. An interesting note, is that digestive bitters evolved as cultural traditions in several European countries. This is one tradition that many A's would benefit from by adding to their dietary regimen.


I am a type A with chronic sinusitis. I have had sinus surgery twice and would like to avoid having to do it again. I have used the herb "Collinsonia" as you recommended in your book with good results. However, I have been able to find no information about the herb on either the internet or your message board. Is it safe? How does it work?
I have found Collinsonia (stoneroot) to be of great reliability in assisting to stabilize the lining on the sinus cavities and to minimize the build-up of excess mucus in the sinus cavities and throat, particularly in types A and AB.

It is a form of botanical support for individuals experiencing chronic build-up of nasal, pharyngeal, or stomach catarrh.

Specific indications: Collinsonia has traditionally been employed for passive venous engorgement and relaxation: Sense of constriction, with irritation and pain in the orifices of the body. Its effect,whether on the rectum, pharynx, or other vascular area, is to overcome unduecongestion with the accompanying irritation, pain and fullness, and bring abouta natural action. Collinsonia seems to act both as a tonic and antispasmodic, the first use being frequently exemplified. It shows its power as an antispasmodic in the painful constrictions and spasms of the sphincter accompanying hemorrhoids, fistulas, ulcers, fissures, etc.The two great uses to which it has been put in the past, are chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis--minister's sore throat--and hemorrhoids. Though best suited to types A and AB, Collinsonia is safe for all blood types


Two of my friends and I are type As. We all started the ER4YT Diet at the same time, and after six weeks we had all lost around 8 pounds. Since that time, a little over a month ago, none of us has lost any more weight. We are all concentrating on avoiding the foods that cause weight gain and including as much of the foods that help weight loss as possible. What are we doing wrong? Also, thought you might be interested in the fact that I, a type A, have hypothyroidism, and my husband, a type O, is hyperthyroid.

It is not uncommon for those just starting the diet to experience rapid and dramatic weight loss, followed by a "quiescent" period where the weight loss slows down or stops completely. This is due to the fact that each individual can have several "setpoints" where the metabolic machinery (either for genetic or metabolic reasons) remains locked at a particular ratio of weight to body fat. Much of this is the result of the capacity of the body's insulin metabolism.

As I wrote in ER4YT, food lectins have been shown to compete with insulin on the body's fat cells. Insulin inactivates the enzyme triglyceride lipase, which is normally used to convert stored fat triglycerides into both glycerol and fatty acids; these are then released, converted to carbohydrate and burnt off. Normally, there is a balance between the effects of insulin (which stores fat) and the enzyme adenylate cyclase (which activates the fat cell to burn fat). When the system is properly balanced, everything works fine; principally because insulin has a "half-life" and is under "feedback control."

In other words, after insulin has accomplished its job, a feedback message is sent to the brain which tells the pancreas to cut off insulin production. With no new insulin being produced, the circulating insulin gradually dwindles and the cycle starts again. Food lectins, including those lectins from wheat and corn, have been shown to bind to the fat cell's insulin receptor and inactivate triglyceride lipase. Unlike insulin, however, these lectins do not have any feedback control, and can bind irreversibly to the insulin receptor. In this situation the fat cell is permanently paralyzed, capable of only storing fat, but not releasing it. This explains why some people gain weight on a high carbohydrate diet: It is not the calories in the food, or the percentages of fat, protein and carbohydrate that are causing the weight gain (after all, most carbohydrates are low-calorie) but rather the lectins in the food itself acting to mimic the effects of naturally occurring hormones.


My son in almost 12 years old and still wets the bed almost nightly. Would typing his blood and following the right diet for his blood help him?
To the degree that a diet specific to his metabolism can have as its effects the elimination of foods your son is allergic or intolerant to.. then yes, following tha appropriate blood group diet could be quite beneficial. Bed-wetting is often caused by food intolerance. Depending on the child's blood group, omitting cow's milk, wheat, corn, carbonated beverages, chocolate, refined carbohydrates (including junk food), and products containing food coloring can make a profound difference. While this problem can be very frustrating, keep in mind it is very common. The problem occurs in approximately five to seven percent of all 10-year-old children. The problem occurs in two to four percent of children ages 12 to 14. This is a problem that also tends to affect twice as many boys and girls.

I stain between my periods. It is not very heavy, but persistent. My gynecologist has given me an extensive checkup and found no serious reasons (such as cancer). Any ideas?
Excessive menstrual bleeding (mennorhagia) occurs most often prior to menopause, with no underlying pathology present just response to erratic hormone production. In younger women menorrhagia can be caused by a range of problems, necessitating skilled diagnosis. Such causes include fibroids, polyps, blood-clotting problems, endometriosis or tumors. The first point to make is that any sign of endo-cervical bleeding is a cause for a complete medical workup. Early signs of cervical and endometrial (uterine) cancer must be ruled out or treated.

Can blood type affect personality and chemical reactions in the brain?
The answer with regard to brain chemistry is yes. Many studies have documented a link (probably genetic) between ABO group and certain differences in brain function, most commonly with regard to stress reactions. The Mind/Body Knowledge Base has a few links to collections of studies linking blood type to differences in adrenaline metabolism, cortisol breakdown and other brain/stress functions. With regard to personality, the data is less conclusive. There is an ongoing personality questionaire many people have filled out, and the results are available from the above link. Suffice it to say that personality is much more complicated and under a great number of influences.

Can grape juice help to ward off breast cancer?
Aromatase converts androgen to estrogen. Aromatase is expressed at a higher level in breast cancer tissue than in benign tissue. In estrogen biosynthesis in tumor tissue has been shown to play a role in promoting tumor growth. Suppression of estrogen biosynthesis can be achieved by the prevention of aromatase expression in breast tumors or by the inhibition of aromatase activity. There are several natural products that inhibit aromatase, but grape juice certainly can rank as among the most tasty and beneficial.

What impact does the blood type diet have on the developing fetus during pregnancy? I am pregnant (five months) with my first child and am type A. My husband is type O. If I follow the type A diet, and the baby happens to be type O like my husband, would it have any adverse effects on the baby? I am also concerned about any adverse effects of a low-protein diet during pregnancy. My mother has been on the type O diet for two months now, and has had wonderful results. I would also like to benefit from the diet that is right for my type, but am concerned about my baby.
Under situations of sickness, such as frequent miscarriage or whatever, the appropriate diet for the mother has worked wonderfully. We have had many patients as mothers who have followed the diet with great success. To my knowledge, the diet has resulted in no problems or reactions in these situations. Of course, everyone is different, and you might want to bring the diet to your obstetrician's attention if there are any other health problems. There should be no reactions should you conceive a type O child. This is true for a number of reasons. First the fetus is to some degree "immunologically priviledged". Second, type A does no normally react to O tissue. For example, if you are type A, you could receive type O blood. Sometimes, however, type O mothers can have a problem with B and A children.

My husband has had muscle spasms, continuously, for several months now. They don't allow him to led even a partially normal life. He can't sit for more than 45 minutes before his back swells up and he is in continuous pain. We've been following your advice for about two weeks and no change.
Although you did not leave your husband's blood type, recommendation can be given that are reasonably effective, rational and safe: Magnesium. 500mg of supplemental magnesium taken every 3-4 hours can help, especially if your husband is one of the many individuals with back spasm is prone towards magnesium deficiency.

Started Type A diet late March; lost 40 lbs. reached goal of 105 end of Sept. Last two months have been continually plagued with sugar cravings and binges, whether or not I stick strictly to the eating plan. Have always had a sugar habit; am concerned about diabetes. Have tried adding back more "good" fat; works for a day or so. Any advice?
Very often this type of sugar reaction complicates an otherwise nice result from the diet. Usually it just a that the liver is having some problems adjusting to the new way of eating, and needs some rehabilitation. Try taking the herb "Milk Thistle" for a while (commonly available at most health food stores) and having a cup of licorice root tea at about 10AM and 2PM. Usually a few weeks of this suffices to get things back on tract. Do not use licorice without physician supervision if you suffer from high blood pressure.

Is there any known correlation between blood types and epilepsy?
There are a few studies linking blood groups and epilepsy, though the most striking association is not with ABO, but rather the MNS system, where it was found that one marker, the SS variant (Ss/ss/SS) showed a statistically highly significant difference (p below 0.001) in the epileptic patients compared with a control group. A separate study showed a deficiency of blood group AB in the total population of epileptics. There are several studies indicating a higher rate of epilepsy in children that are the result of mother-fetus ABO incompatibility (where the fetus possesses a blood type antigen that the mother carries an antibody to). This tends to confirm my suspicion that the most important time to be eating right for your blood type is during pregnancy.

Have you found any specific correlations between migraine headaches and a specific abo type(s)? I definitely feel more energy when I stick to my A-type diet....more tired and unfocused when I succumb to the ever prevalent calling of wheat products.
All blood types get migraines, but get them for different reasons (usually the results of the wrong diet increasing the levels of polyamines -toxins- causing activation of the immune system, resulting in inflamation). This is probably why even generalized "bowel detox" such as enemas and colonics, have been historically successful for migraines. However, eating right for your type is a less invasive labor intensive way to get the same results.
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